Sculptra: Skin That Feels like You Again

Do you want to improve the quality of your appearance while maintaining a natural appearance? Of course you do! We all do!


With the technology of Sculptra you can have your cake and eat it too: improved, more youthful appearance that looks natural and like the real you!


So what is Sculptra? First, it’s not just another filler. It is a biostimulatory: meaning it stimulates your own collagen production to aid in improving both facial wrinkles, creating better texture and tightening the skin. Talk about a trifecta of benefits! Scupltra carries the unique title of being the first FDA-approved poly-L-lactic acid (or PPLA-SCA) specifically made to address the byproducts of us naturally losing 1% of our body’s collagen per year. With Sculptra we can turn back the hands of time by restoring your skin’s structure and volume.


Sculptra has been clinically tested and has repeatedly shown restorative results within one month of treatment with these results lasting up to two years. Yes- TWO years!!


Who needs Sculptra? It’s simple: everyone!


Call today to book your “Turn Back the Hands of Time” Sculptra appointment with one of our qualified Sculptra providers here at Vitality.


*Your provider will do a through exam to ensure you are a candidate.

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