Vitality Antiaging Center V-Infusion and IV Hydration

V-Infusion / IV Hydration

Feel Your Best! Be Your Best! One DROP at a time!

Vitality’s special blend of vitamins and medications will help an athlete prepare for a rigorous workout or competition, a traveler reset from jet lag, a patient recover from illness or surgery, and those wanting to stay well and prevent aging to feel at the top of their game.  IV Hydration Therapy is the quickest and most effective way to hydrate, prepare, and recover when the body has become or will become, depleted of fluid and vitamins. 100% of the fluids, vitamins, and medications are absorbed immediately and provide rapid results.


Your treatment will involve an initial health history and exam.  All of our IVs are supervised by and MD, PA-C, CNP, or RN.  Depending on what we are treating you may be required to have lab work obtained.   Most IVs will take 30-45 min.  During this time relax in our comfortable massage chairs, warm under warm blankets, close your eyes, and just relax.  Your health, comfort, and safety are our primary concern.


IV Hydration therapies offered at V-Infusion

  • “About Last Night”- Hangover Relief
  • “The Recovery Room”- Recover from illness, surgery, or Injury
  • “Reset The Clock” – Jet lag recovery
  • “Game ON” – Pre and Post-workout
  • “Turn Up The Heat” – Fuel your fat-burning Power
  • “The Vice Grip” – Migraine and headache relief
  • “An Apple A Day” – General wellness

What is IV Infusion and hydration therapy?

Our bodies are comprised of 50-65% water.  Most of us spend our lives in a state of dehydration.  We never consume enough fluid for our body to function optimally.  There are many factors that cause dehydration including:

  • Diet
  • Decreased consumption
  • Activity
  • Sunburn
  • Excessive sweating
  • Sickness
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Travel
  • Consumption of sodas
  • Medications

Proper hydration is vital for our organs to function properly.  Long term dehydration can cause damage to our bodies, our appearance, and ultimately decrease longevity.  An inability to properly absorb vitamins found in food and supplements can cause the skin to age prematurely leading to wrinkles, sagging, bags under eyes, dry eyes and lips, dry and frizzy hair, fatigue, and diseases and conditions associated with aging. Symptoms of possible dehydration include:

  • Increased thirst
  • Dry eyes
  • Dry skin
  • Decreased urine output or dark urine color
  • Fatigue
  • Foggy thinking
  • Dizziness
  • Constipation
  • Dark circles/sunken eyes

Fall in love with taking care of yourself at Vitality.

Your health, comfort, and safety are our primary concern. Fill out the form below or call/text us at 828.322.1498. We’ll help you find a treatment plan as unique as you.

    *This form is not intended for submission of personal medical information. Results may vary.